Monday, 4 November 2019


Grade 9 French students worked on an invitation to a 'soirée mystère'. They orally practiced the script to offer an invitation over the phone, accept or decline the invitation. They also research the board game Clue, assumed different roles, and selected the weapons for the game.
HOMEWORK: practice each role from the script, you will have a formative on interactive/productive skills. Also, your invitation should be submitted Wednesday.

Grade 8 French students worked on a story board. You are creating 2-3 sentences per picture. Sentences must be in passé composé, and have correct structures.

Grade 5/6 students used a range of verbs in impératif to fill in a written passage about buying tickets for a concert over the phone. Students took turn to read aloud the text.

JK/SK  After routine calendar and weather, students took turns to identify numbers (1-10 for JK, 1-20 for SK) on the chart. Please practice saying the numbers, and locating them on a chart.

Grade 1/2 The theme this week is about what we are wearing:  JE PORTE... IL/ELLE PORTE... JOHN PORTE...add colour adjectives to the description.

Grade 3/4 Students reviewed the use of the partitive (du, de la, de l') with Winter and Summer activities.
If not completed, finish activity (Victoria's summer activities) for homework.