THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all your emails, gifts, and cards. It goes right to my heart!
Grade 9 French- students presented their website, and the object was to introduce themselves to advertise their services.
Grade 8 French- students presented their 'casse-croûte concept' to a pannel of Dragons (Den). The quality of work was fantastic and original.
Grade 5/6 today was editing day for 8 sentences that will be used on a comic strip: où est Kim?
MONDAY: please have your 4 slides coloured, and your sentences, 2 per pictures, ready for presentation.
JK/SK Last farm creature is LE DINDON. Students are singing Alouette, but with a twist.
Grade 1/2 students prepared 'Ma fiche personnelle', and presented to the class.
Grade 3/4 recipes were presented today.