Thursday, 17 October 2019


Grade 9 French students had a round of verbs, meaning, irregular participe passé etc. They also worked on sentence construction, then applied their understanding to a 10 verb paragraph. The story may be funny or serious, but it must be a well constructed paragraph with correct grammar. Homework, if it is not finished, or well done, (meaning you edited your work more than once), please have this ready for Monday.

Grade 8 French students reviewed the vocabulary (please remember that when you are researching and translating words, you must also memorize the meaning so that you can use the words later).
They also learned about passé composé of regular verbs using avoir as an auxiliary. HOMEWORK: complete the activity sheet you started today.

Grade 5/6 students identified their vocabulary, and matched the sentences. They also began the comprehension questions related to the text from p. 18, 19. It will be finished next week.
Added bonus: they watched a few minutes of the group Stomp playing ordinary objects. They liked the noise (sorry music) a lot.

JK/SK after their daily routine of calendar and weather, they identified where certain articles of clothing had to go which body part. For example; les gants sur les mains.

Grade 1/2 students watched C'est pas Sorcier: les orages. Along the way, they were asked to identify weather vocabulary, and expressions.

Grade 3/4 students continue their exploration of Quebec, and its physical attributes, such as les montagnes, les lacs et rivières, les villes et les campagnes.