Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Grade 9 French students presented their Time Travel Journal entries. It was peer assessed by the Grade 8 French (it is worthwhile practice for them).

Grade 9 French and Grade 8 French- Today, students began the novel 'L'Alchémiste'. This novel promotes inquiry into geography, history, and a little soul searching. The final task will be a collaborative board game to test their knowledge.
HOMEWORK - please read pages 11 to 17, jot down vocabulary, and be prepared to answer questions.

Grade 4-5 Novel study in this class also! 'Le voleur' is a short 10 chapters novel, with a lot of sentence structure study built in.

Grade 6 Today, students discussed Exhibition, the French component will begin in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, students are learning about what it takes to live and cope with physical challenges. Then, they will design and explain new technology applied to their newly designed wheelchairs.

Grade 1 Students played a round of 'Around the World' game to test the basicc vocabulary for recipes. This will be filed in their IB Portfolio.

JK/SK Although the weather was beautiful today, the puddles were very tempting. So, students learned and coloured 'un parapluie, un chapeau de pluie, un imperméable (manteau de pluie) et des bottes de pluie.

Grade 2-3 students reviewed how to write numbers in a variety of activities. This will be helpful when solving math story problems.