Friday, 29 March 2019


Grade 8 & 9 French read pages 11 to 16, and worked on vocabulary, answered questions, and composed a question.
HOMEWORK: PLEASE READ PAGES 17 TO 22, LOOK FOR VOCABULARY (YOU WILL BE QUIZZED). Be on the look out for words resembling English, as well as the context to better understand the story. Take the time to pause, and do this work. You are being marked for each step during the novel study. 

Grade 4-5 Today, students completed the last activity for chapter 1. They were able to eliminate the extra words in simple sentences. It was hard work at the beginning, however, they quickly resolved each one.

Grade 6 Students read the rest of text about available devices to help people living with challenges.
HOMEWORK FOR TUESDAY: write the definition of the 4 expressions (in italic). You will find the answers on the previous page in the yellow box. Also, list the vocabulary in LES MOTS CLÉS, and translate them in your cahier.

Grade 1 C'est le printemps! Spring is in the air! Students took turns to describe 'where they keep their spring toys'. Je garde ma bicyclette dans le garage, la remise etc.' Je mets un casque de sécurité. They also played a few rounds of Simon Dit!

JK/SK Today, students learned to sing 'SUR, DEVANT, DERRIÈRE ET SOUS, song. Lots of fun, and engaging for all.

Grade 2-3 Students were given items with prices to place in a garage sale, were given a maximum amount of money to spend, and the team coming the closest to the maximum won house points. Good way to talk money. More on this next week.