Grade 9 French Students re-read the story of Une rencontre avec le destin, page 122,123. They worked on comprehension 4 questions only, but also explored how to evaluate a question, then finding answers in the text. They also prepared a short skit based on buying tickets at a travel agency. If you were absent today, consider having your text read, and all answers done.
REMINDER! Quiz on C.O.D. (complement d'objet direct). Review your handouts.
Grade 8 French students read a text about a student preparing to present their work of art. There was a discussion about what would make an art exhibit attractive (location, lighting, displays etc.). There was useful vocabulary in the story, that will be used in your summative.
Grade 4-5 students now have the final dialogue, and had a chance to practice with their peers. All menus have been submitted, and Monday will be used to do a mock presentation.
Grade 6 are on a field trip
Grade 1Today was story time. The book was Knut, l'ourson polaire. They also acted out the bear's actions: grimpe, creuse, cours, marche, saute, nage.
JK/SK There was a lot of actions going on in the class with students enjoying a game of Simon Dit. They are at a point where they know most of the actions, and can respond to more complex instructions. They also listened to the story of Knut the polar bear.
Grade 2-3 Students read 4 short advertisement samples for specialty shoes. They are excited to apply all the actions, and activities that animals perform in the wild. They will be transferring the type of animal's feet to human special footwear. Really humans imitating nature.