Monday, 11 February 2019


Grade 9 French Students shared their sentences using conjunctions. They also read 'Dans la Vallée des Rois', answered the comprehension questions, and worked with C.O.D. (complement (pronom) d'objet direct). This is a fairly big grammar concept to understand, and integrate into their writing.

Grade 8 French- They took up homework from last week. PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN WORK IS SENT AS HOMEWORK, IT IS EVALUATED!
Some segments of today's work was oral, and everyone needs to use this opportunity to speak French.
HOMEWORK is complete the partitive exercise, both in the affirmative and the negative.

Grade 4-5 students who submitted their menus 'thank you', everyone else please have your menu done for Wednesday. Today, students worked with 2 verbs: 'prendre and apprendre', in a variety of scenarios.

Grade 6 With all the interruptions since last week, it was difficult to pick up where they left off. Since everyone was there, they completed the last assignment from unit 4 (Au Musée), and worked on the reading and comprehension.

Grade 1 Students began to talk about Valentine's Day. They worked on a word search.

JK/SK students did the weather, and listened to a story 'Le Chat Botté'. They also competed with their teacher while counting, and finding the missing numbers.

Grade 2-3 completed the play, answered  several questions and decorated their top/title page.