Thursday, 2 November 2017


Grade 1/2 The students are beginning to transition between oral and written work. They can identify clothing terminology in short sentences.

Grade 9 French -Students had the opportunity to up grade their marks on last week's quiz. Results demonstrated that with attention to details, on can achieve their best. The rest of the session was about the unit format as it related to IB.

Grade 8 French -Students worked on their word web, which will be the basis of their final story about a stolen property.

Grade 5/6 The students began the period identifying parts of the words: communication and interaction. It took some time before realizing that it was a two way street; meaning listening and responding.
There was also a crossword puzzle with clues about vocabulary to be found in the stories read this past week and a half.

Grade 3/4 The unit on Québec and seasonal activities was wrapped up with a read aloud and comprehension questions.

JK/SK Today was about la migration, la dormance and hibernation. Lots of fun finding animals and what they do to prepare for Winter.