Grade 1/2 Bingo, coins, clothing vocabulary and lots of fun.
Grade 8 French- Fantastic work was done, and the stories were interesting and creative. Students demonstrated great awareness in identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Good job!
Grade 9 French- Students were busy finalizing their projects. Presentations are on Friday.
Grade 5/6 The first half of the period was spent illustrating expressions with avoir, such as 'j'ai besoin d'un crayon, Tu as froid, il a peur du monstre'.
The second part was reading a story and answering comprehension questions.
Homework: if your illustrations of expressions with avoir (p39) are not finished, please complete this work for Friday. You will finish the comprehension questions on Friday during class.
Grade 3/4 Le Moyen Âge continues. Students were very quick matching parts of words and learning new ones. For instance, they discovered the word 'cathédrale'. They were able to look at world famous cathedrals and their incredible stained glass. They also looked at 'chaumières', houses with thatch roofs.
JK/SK Today was about time in all sorts of representations. Seasons, clocks, calendars. Students looked at a book about time and the different ways time can be identified if you don't have a clock, digital devices etc. For example: un sablier, un cadran solaire, le soleil, la lune et les étoiles...