JK/SK Gunther made a grand return to the school. La marmotte (groundhog) has been one of favorite puppet and it gave the students the opportunity to learn about: Le soleil, l'ombre, la marmotte, les nuages etc. To continue with the current UOI, students looked at a globe, and with a flashlight (the sun) they looked at where days or night were around the world. They also felt the ridges on the class globe and learned that they represented mountains.
Grade 7 Today was a dry run and final editing of the presentations for next Monday, Feb.6. Students should have 2 passé composé verbs and 3 adjectives in agreement with the noun they describe. Also, use the textbook for complete descriptions of the process of making a wax character.
Grade 8 Students should have their presentation ready for Monday, Feb.6. There will be a short period of time allocated to put the finishing touch if necessary.
Grade 5/6 The short version of the evolution of flight was read in class, and the vocabulary was co-constructed by the students. Next week, they will begin researching their favorite flight event.
Grade 3/4 The current unit is on heroes of all kind, and because it is Carnival time in Québec, students explored a book on the special Hudson's Bay blanket and sashes. Explorers were most certainly heroes in their time. They illustrated own blankets in their cahier.
Grade 1/2 The class could not be complete without a visit from La Marmotte. Students explored the shadows and the discussion lead to how to tell time without electronics. Words such as: sablier, cadran solaire, étoiles, horloge etc... were on the menu.