Grade 1/2 After a longer assembly, students were keen to do a little cooking prep for Valentine's day. They learned to recognize words such as bol, cuillère, miel, chocolat, beurre, moule en papier...
JK/SK The schedule was a bit turned upside down because of skating. Students learned a riddle with vowels and CHOCOLATE!
Grade 5/6 Today's period was for learning 5 sentence starters to be added to their outline. They also worked on their projects, which is due Thursday, Feb. 16.
Grade 3/4 Today was skating day! Short class where the students worked extra well to recognize random lines from a skit performed on Wednesday. They were 100% correct in all their answers! Bravo!
Grade 7 Students worked on irregular adjectives, first on a grid, then applied the concept with sentences. Homework: review the adjectives for next week.
Grade 8 There was time for reading and answering some questions.