Monday, 30 May 2016


Grade 3/4 One last practice before the big day! Students are coming together and will ask parents to join in. So, don't be shy, stand up and sing with us Tuesday night.
After rehearsal, students illustrated what the song means to them. There will be a little bit of time on Wednesday to finish.

Grade 7 & 8 all presentations were done today, and well done they were! Wednesday is going to be for review only, so everyone is ready for exams on Friday morning at 10 am.

Grade 5/6 All presentations were out of this world (litterally). I am glad I asked for 15 sentences because most of the students wrote and wrote ...and wrote. I think they are still in Exhibition mode. Good work everyone.

Afternoon was dress rehearsal and there was only a little bit of time with JK/SK for the creation of habitat for jungle/farm/pet animals.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the concert.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Grade 3/4 After the assembly, students teamed up with grade 1/2 and JK/SK to rehearse in the gym for the concert. Back in class, they worked on a word search about nature.

Grade 7 projects are being written and will be presented on Monday, May 30.
Grade 8  Performance tasks have been edited, conference done with students, and presentation of the phone message will be on Monday, May 30.
BOTH GROUPS, 7/8, YOUR EXAMS ARE ON FRIDAY, JUNE 3 AT 10 am and will run about 2 hours.

Grade 5/6 projects on Galaxécole were edited and presentations are on Monday.

The afternoon was dedicated to Spring concert rehearsal.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Grade 3/4 We had visitors today to help with the song for the concert. Grade 1/2 took a short practice with the 3/4 class. All students were able to finish their cross words with all 19 words from the planet unit. Bravo!

Grade 5/6 The class was split between 3/4 and 7/8. They worked on their projects and they should have their rough copy ready for editing on Wednesday 25th.

Grade 7 Students read Jacques-Yves Cousteau (text) in preparation for the final exam. They reviewed the pronoun Y and also worked on their projects about structures. They should have their rough draft for Wednesday 25th.

Grade 8 Students received their performance task rubric and instructions. They also notes the sections to study for the final exam. Two students had their work edited for the telephone script. Please make sure that next Wednesday (25th) that you are ready with your draft for editing and conferencing.

Grade 1/2 Together with the song (Spring concert), students started on the props to describe the vocabulary in the song.

JK/SK Spring concert is at the heart of the work still. Following this, students took 3 puzzles about animals from the farm, zoo, and home (domestic). They worked at pacing them, naming them...Lots of fun! If you want an animal, you have to name it.

Monday, 16 May 2016


Grade 3/4 Students spent time on their song, and following this they finished reading their booklets on celestial bodies (planets). They also brainstormed the vocabulary as a group and they were asked to make a cross word by picking vocabulary they could relate to.

Grade 7 started reading about famous constructions around the world. Everyone is brushing up on their numbers 0-1000 and beyond!

Grade 8 Students worked on their review package. This is when they can judge by themselves where to focus their efforts on review components.

Grade 5/6 They started a new unit on school on another planet. They are to brainstorm ideas about what type of school they would have should they be given the choice. Hum...interesting, very interesting.

Grade 1/2 Spring concert song practice. The topic today was: what do like for breakfast? 'Qu'est-ce que tu aimes pouur le petit déjeuner'. Actually, we say déjeuner in Canada.

JK/SK Spring concert work. They really like this song! We also make a pique- nique. They are also continuing the actions made by animals: saute, grimpe, creuse, descends, cours vite/lentement etc...Also, adjectives such grand comme une giraffe, mince comme un serpent.....

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Grade 3/4 What a great session today, complete with singing (we are making progress. More on Monday. They are also starting on reading booklets on planets, phases of the moon etc...

Grade 7 Students took up two texts and  their vocabulary. We discussed the answers and how to find them in the text. One of these will be in the final exam.
Suggestion: Better go over these two so there is no surprise.

Grade 8   Students went over the elements for a phone message. They explored different styles to see what would work best for their respective activist's action plan.

Grade 5/6 What can I say other than BRAVO! Exhibition was a full out success.

Grade 1/2 have had double practice today with the Spring concert song. They are also testing their knowledge on food using their textbook.
JK/SK were in a dancing mood, which is great since they will need to sway to the music when they sing during the Spring Concert. We also got visitors from the grade 3/4 who, when hearing their song while walking down the hallway, danced their way into the classroom to sing with us.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Grade 3/4 The students have decided to split into 2 groups: one for the chorus (refrain) and another for the verses. It was a bit better today and the students know their roles for the Spring concert. They also started to read booklets on planets and the moon.

Grade 7 are working on read and comprehension and it is to be completed for Friday if it is not finished in class.
Grade 8 The lesson, today, was about les pronoms disjoints (moi, toi, lui...) and les pronoms relatifs (qui, que). There is also activity sheets to be completed for Friday.

Grade 5/6 Students who are reading during their PYP presentation were practicing and received a few tips to add interest for their audience. Other groups were working on editing their Action Plan and Lines of Inquiry paper.

JK/SK Spring concert and life in the pond. It is Spring alright.

Grade 1/2  Students took turn to present their food craft from yesterday. They used the vocabulary presented and began using their textbook for reference.

Monday, 9 May 2016


Grade 3/4 We are rehearsing for the Spring concert. Look for the words to our song. Students need to practice.
Students are starting a short unit on planets. They are really keen on this subject.

Grade 7 are practicing passé composé with the DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list. They also worked on family words.
Grade 8 Students have now signed off on their grammar components for the final exam. They also started thinking about the last task.

Grade 5/6 Exhibition!!! Students have been asked to read and rehearsed their French text to achieve your best.

Grade 1/2 Spring concert song! and food unit just started.

JK/SK Spring Concert song! and today was all about frogs.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Grade 3/4- The students are now rehearsing the Spring Concert French song. They will team up with JK/SK/1/2 as well.
There was also enough time to finish the worksheets on super heroes attributes.

Grade 7/8 Both groups presented their projects, and what a great job they did!!!
Grade 7 presented a visit to a cave.
Grade 8 presented their newscast/short documentary complete with video/audio.
Everyone was brilliant!

Grade 5/6 You can tell that Exhibition is just around the corner. A few students rehearsed their french component while other worked on their essay. Glad to be of help. Please continue saying your lines 'out loud'.

Grade 1/2 Singing, they like. Dancing, they like even more. Preparing props and getting novel ideas...CREATIVE!

JK/SK Together with grade 1/2/3/4 are rehearsing their song for the Spring Concert. They love it!

Monday, 2 May 2016


This morning was our first of the month assembly. So, French started after 10am and grade 3/4 skipped it.
Grade 7/8 have been working on their project and they are due on Wednesday, May 4.
Today, was reserved for text editing for the students who were at that stage.

Grade 5/6  Students are in the final editing phase of their Exhibit.

Grade 1/2 Le cycle de l'eau. Students worked with water cycle vocabulary and what you can do with water. For example, je bois de l'eau, je prends un bain, je nage et je fais la  lessive.

JK/SK Students drove a pretend bus to the farm. They reviewed the names of barnyard animals and today they added where each animal sleeps: l'écurie, l'étable, le poulailler, le champs, la ferme, la maison.

Sunday, 1 May 2016


Grade 3/4 Today, students played the game: what if? They decided that our region had become an island and they labelled what their Orangeville Island would contain. A lot came out of this session and it involved quite a bit of memory to retrieve the vocabulary listed.

JK/SK The students decided to be on a school bus and go to different places
and use expressions such as: monte dans l'autobus, descends de l'autobus. Qui est à côté de moi?...They also used the puppets to memorize the names of domestic animals.

Grade 5/6 Today, each group presented the French component from the Exhibition. Here are a few reminders to help achieve your best: rehearse your lines at home and even record yourself and replay to hear what you sound like. It is a fact that we never really don't know how we sound till we hear a recording of our voice. Also, even when you read your text, give it your best expression. It does demonstrate that you truly understand what you are saying, and it adds interest for the listener.

Grade 1/2 At their request, the puppets came out again! Students are working with expressions of location. They also completed an activity sheet with animals hiding in different places. When they correctly located them, they also uncovered the secret code and message.

Grade 7 Portion of the session today was to work on the verbs Partir and Sortir. The rest of the time was dedicated to project research. Due date is Thursday!  
Grade 8 Students used this period to work on their projects. Due date is Thursday!