Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Another great day with everyone!

Grade 3/4 The unit this month is all about companion animals. After writing the names of a few favorite pets, the students designed their own imaginary animal and came up with some fantastic names.
Do you know what a Grentor is? It is  a mix of 'grenouille et tortue'.

Grade 7 The students took notes of what their up and coming mock mid-term will be. This will ease them up into what next year's exams will be. It is just a practice run!
They also started the unit on Le musée de cire (Wax Museum). This is a great unit for review and a start for the passé composé.

Grade 8 are in review mode. Today they were brushing up on irregular verbs au futur simple. They really know how to work together: Collaboration is high on the agenda!!!

Grade 5/6  They read the last story on the unit T-shirts. Their reading is developing well and their comprehension segment was done expediently. Bravo, everyone!

Grade 1/2 The students are quite comfortable reading and retrieving information on their activity sheets. They worked in pairs/groups to complete their work. Super day!

JK/SK The students are learning the names of winter clothing. So you may hear them sing about them too! They also worked on a coloring activity.