Grade 1/2 The students worked on a family tree and applied the names of family members such as père, mère, soeur, frère etc... They also learned that on the left side of the family tree was reserved for the father's side and the right side for the mother's.
Grade 7 The students were to have their plan and main points for their presentations due on Monday. They will have to demonstrate that they included all the requirements by jotting down each components on a separate sheet. Use page 59 of your textbook for reference.
Grade 8 The students were asked a few questions regarding the reading they had for homework from Monday. In class, they took turn to read an interesting text on an imaginary voyage back in time ( to ancient Egypt). Following this, the lesson was about pronom d'objet direct. They have a paragraph to re-write and replace parts of it with le, la,les,l'. This is due on Monday.
Grade 3/4 The class started with a circle talk and competition about animals and a fun rhyme to earn house points. EVERYONE GOT POINTS! This was followed by seat work in their animal booklet and true or false questions.
JK/SK Today's topic was Bonhomme Carnaval. However, since they had made beautiful birds, they also talked about other colourful birds: paons, goéland, colombe, perroquet, flamand.
A blog about all the fantastic work and experiences we have at TMA
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Monday, 25 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The day started with telling the weather and the student added an action to reflect their personal favorite activity. For example: en dansant, en chantant, en jouant, en montant etc...
The rest of the period was spent with matching syllables to form a variety of animal names.
Grade 7 The students received their assignments for la tâche finale. They have to act as museum guides and describe a celebrity of their choice. The rubric is on p.59 of their textbook.
They also audited the grade 8 oral presentations and offered good comments.
Grade 8 Gave an oral presentation of their opinion on GMO foods. Their diction, intonation and content were assessed. All students did an awesome job and everyone enjoyed doing the research on this topic.
Grade 1/2 The students were divided in 2 groups and then paired up in a friendly competition about the weather. They are all winners!!!
Following this, and to review winter vocabulary, they read a picture story and sourced the vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
JK/SK After today's routine, they reviewed the 5 senses while adding the actions related to each. For example: Jjentends, je n'entends pas, je mange, je ne mange pas...
During the second part of the hour, the students went and got a personal object and they started verbalizing to whom the object belongs to.
Grade 3/4 The day started with telling the weather and the student added an action to reflect their personal favorite activity. For example: en dansant, en chantant, en jouant, en montant etc...
The rest of the period was spent with matching syllables to form a variety of animal names.
Grade 7 The students received their assignments for la tâche finale. They have to act as museum guides and describe a celebrity of their choice. The rubric is on p.59 of their textbook.
They also audited the grade 8 oral presentations and offered good comments.
Grade 8 Gave an oral presentation of their opinion on GMO foods. Their diction, intonation and content were assessed. All students did an awesome job and everyone enjoyed doing the research on this topic.
Grade 1/2 The students were divided in 2 groups and then paired up in a friendly competition about the weather. They are all winners!!!
Following this, and to review winter vocabulary, they read a picture story and sourced the vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
JK/SK After today's routine, they reviewed the 5 senses while adding the actions related to each. For example: Jjentends, je n'entends pas, je mange, je ne mange pas...
During the second part of the hour, the students went and got a personal object and they started verbalizing to whom the object belongs to.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Grade 3/4 the class was able to accomplish quite a bit today. The animal booklet was a wealth of information and the students were quick to find information and categorize animals according to where they live, how fast or slow they are and so on.
JK/SK The French class was moved to the morning so they would not miss French because of skating. So, after the routine, Grace announced that she could say her prayers in French...and she did...and we did...and then we took on other language and prayed. Somehow, the students wanted to know how to say: talking to God...Parler à Dieu and we added that perhaps meditating was listening to God. 1. parler, now what else do we do with our mouth (la bouche)? chanter, manger, goûter, donner des baisers etc...
2. écouter...
It is amazing how the lessons evolve when you are a JK/SK at The Maples!
Grade 5/6 On today's menu was -ir ending verbs. The students work hard and finished all their work on time.
Homework: if p.9 A is not completed, please do so before Monday.
Grade 1/2 asked for the weather cards...why not? Following this, they watched Les Aurores Boréales in real time and, there was a discussion about chameau and dromadaire. Just ask your child! They are so curious about everything.
Grade 7/8 reviewed their exams from Wednesday and we took up a few concepts for clarification.
Grade 8 please plan your oral presentation and be prepared to give your opinion on the use of GMO foods. This is for Wednesday!
Grade 3/4 the class was able to accomplish quite a bit today. The animal booklet was a wealth of information and the students were quick to find information and categorize animals according to where they live, how fast or slow they are and so on.
JK/SK The French class was moved to the morning so they would not miss French because of skating. So, after the routine, Grace announced that she could say her prayers in French...and she did...and we did...and then we took on other language and prayed. Somehow, the students wanted to know how to say: talking to God...Parler à Dieu and we added that perhaps meditating was listening to God. 1. parler, now what else do we do with our mouth (la bouche)? chanter, manger, goûter, donner des baisers etc...
2. écouter...
It is amazing how the lessons evolve when you are a JK/SK at The Maples!
Grade 5/6 On today's menu was -ir ending verbs. The students work hard and finished all their work on time.
Homework: if p.9 A is not completed, please do so before Monday.
Grade 1/2 asked for the weather cards...why not? Following this, they watched Les Aurores Boréales in real time and, there was a discussion about chameau and dromadaire. Just ask your child! They are so curious about everything.
Grade 7/8 reviewed their exams from Wednesday and we took up a few concepts for clarification.
Grade 8 please plan your oral presentation and be prepared to give your opinion on the use of GMO foods. This is for Wednesday!
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The students worked quite hard at building a collection of animal names A TO Z.
Grade 7/8 Both groups took their first mid-term exams. Well done!
Grade 5/6 missed French today since I was proctoring the mid-terms.
Grade 1/2 took a challenge with each other with counting and the months of the year. Bravo, ETHAN!!! He was the winner today with 600 house points.
JK/SK had a lot of fun with Simon dit!. They are always ready for a game. We are almost finished with the winter activities. Please, do not tell Mr. P that we are 'lancez des balles de neige' at each other... The students were really playful however, they know not to throw snowballs at school.
Grade 3/4 The students worked quite hard at building a collection of animal names A TO Z.
Grade 7/8 Both groups took their first mid-term exams. Well done!
Grade 5/6 missed French today since I was proctoring the mid-terms.
Grade 1/2 took a challenge with each other with counting and the months of the year. Bravo, ETHAN!!! He was the winner today with 600 house points.
JK/SK had a lot of fun with Simon dit!. They are always ready for a game. We are almost finished with the winter activities. Please, do not tell Mr. P that we are 'lancez des balles de neige' at each other... The students were really playful however, they know not to throw snowballs at school.
Monday, 18 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The students started a booklet on wild animals. They are now learning to describe and discuss habitat and other relevant details. More on this later in the week.
Grade 7/8 Today was their final review for their mid-term on Wednesday. The students have been working hard on this first semester. Good luck everyone.
Grade 5/6 The students who still had to finish their sentences from last week, took the period to do so. The rest of the class, played a verb card game to consolidate and test their knowledge.
Grade 1/2 took turns to introduce siblings to each other. Well done! Following this, they took on a read and match weather activity.
JK/SK The students could be heard chanting the months of the year and this was followed by a round the world game to guess the winter activity cards.
Grade 3/4 The students started a booklet on wild animals. They are now learning to describe and discuss habitat and other relevant details. More on this later in the week.
Grade 7/8 Today was their final review for their mid-term on Wednesday. The students have been working hard on this first semester. Good luck everyone.
Grade 5/6 The students who still had to finish their sentences from last week, took the period to do so. The rest of the class, played a verb card game to consolidate and test their knowledge.
Grade 1/2 took turns to introduce siblings to each other. Well done! Following this, they took on a read and match weather activity.
JK/SK The students could be heard chanting the months of the year and this was followed by a round the world game to guess the winter activity cards.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The students are reading and matching sentences about animals. They are starting to be quite proficient with adjective agreements, feminine and masculine.
Grade 7/8 The review is well under way and the students do know where their strenghts are and what they need to focus on. Keep up the good work.
Grade 5/6 Today's focus was on verbs ending with -er in the present tense. If the pages with the excercises are not completed, please consider this homework.
Grade 1/2 The students had fun getting various winter clothing articles and played a quick game (last man up) where the words had to match their actions.
Following this, they took up an activity with the names of family members and the beginning of adjective possessive (mon, ma, mes, son, sa, ses).
JK/SK We played with all the winter stuff (clothes actually) and the students had to trade and identify until only one person was left. Hum...let's say they had fun and they thought that the French period went quite fast.
Grade 3/4 The students are reading and matching sentences about animals. They are starting to be quite proficient with adjective agreements, feminine and masculine.
Grade 7/8 The review is well under way and the students do know where their strenghts are and what they need to focus on. Keep up the good work.
Grade 5/6 Today's focus was on verbs ending with -er in the present tense. If the pages with the excercises are not completed, please consider this homework.
Grade 1/2 The students had fun getting various winter clothing articles and played a quick game (last man up) where the words had to match their actions.
Following this, they took up an activity with the names of family members and the beginning of adjective possessive (mon, ma, mes, son, sa, ses).
JK/SK We played with all the winter stuff (clothes actually) and the students had to trade and identify until only one person was left. Hum...let's say they had fun and they thought that the French period went quite fast.
Monday, 11 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The class answered different questions about animals, adjectives and what their preferences were.
Grade 7/8 are in full review mode. The mid-terms are Wednesday 20, 10 am to noon. The review for both grades are passé composé of regular and irregular verbs. (gr. 7 with avoir), (gr. 8 avoir/être). Adjectives and their agreement/placement is review for grade 7.
Grade 8, please continue with futur simple.
Grade 7, please complete the pages you received this morning to assist you with review.
Grade 5/6 The students started their verb marathon! Today was a short review of avoir and être, then they started with -er ending verbs.
Grade 1/2 The students are learning about family members name, birthday and dates. They also are applying 'avant & après to numbers, months...
JK/SK There are so many winter activities to talk about and act out. Students were having fun with: les balles de neige, bonhomme de neige, construire un igloo, faire du ski/de la planche à neige...
Grade 3/4 The class answered different questions about animals, adjectives and what their preferences were.
Grade 7/8 are in full review mode. The mid-terms are Wednesday 20, 10 am to noon. The review for both grades are passé composé of regular and irregular verbs. (gr. 7 with avoir), (gr. 8 avoir/être). Adjectives and their agreement/placement is review for grade 7.
Grade 8, please continue with futur simple.
Grade 7, please complete the pages you received this morning to assist you with review.
Grade 5/6 The students started their verb marathon! Today was a short review of avoir and être, then they started with -er ending verbs.
Grade 1/2 The students are learning about family members name, birthday and dates. They also are applying 'avant & après to numbers, months...
JK/SK There are so many winter activities to talk about and act out. Students were having fun with: les balles de neige, bonhomme de neige, construire un igloo, faire du ski/de la planche à neige...
Friday, 8 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The students were learning the names of different habitat for animals. After completing their activity sheets, they picked a favorite animal and looked up descriptive vocabulary.
JK/SK Everyone was happy to go skating and it was a great opportunity to learn new words such as patins, casque, patinoire... We also reviewed winter clothing.
Grade 5/6 As an introduction to next week's verb marathon, the students played a round of connect-four. The two teams remained competitive till the end.
Grade 1/2 They were excited about skating this afternoon. They played and reviewed seasonal vocabulary and learned about patins, lacets, casque, pousser et glisser.
Grade 7/8 worked together on reviewing verbs with a lively game of connect four. The students are encouraged to review their verbs in preparation for their mid-term exam.
Grade 3/4 The students were learning the names of different habitat for animals. After completing their activity sheets, they picked a favorite animal and looked up descriptive vocabulary.
JK/SK Everyone was happy to go skating and it was a great opportunity to learn new words such as patins, casque, patinoire... We also reviewed winter clothing.
Grade 5/6 As an introduction to next week's verb marathon, the students played a round of connect-four. The two teams remained competitive till the end.
Grade 1/2 They were excited about skating this afternoon. They played and reviewed seasonal vocabulary and learned about patins, lacets, casque, pousser et glisser.
Grade 7/8 worked together on reviewing verbs with a lively game of connect four. The students are encouraged to review their verbs in preparation for their mid-term exam.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Another great day with everyone!
Grade 3/4 The unit this month is all about companion animals. After writing the names of a few favorite pets, the students designed their own imaginary animal and came up with some fantastic names.
Do you know what a Grentor is? It is a mix of 'grenouille et tortue'.
Grade 7 The students took notes of what their up and coming mock mid-term will be. This will ease them up into what next year's exams will be. It is just a practice run!
They also started the unit on Le musée de cire (Wax Museum). This is a great unit for review and a start for the passé composé.
Grade 8 are in review mode. Today they were brushing up on irregular verbs au futur simple. They really know how to work together: Collaboration is high on the agenda!!!
Grade 5/6 They read the last story on the unit T-shirts. Their reading is developing well and their comprehension segment was done expediently. Bravo, everyone!
Grade 1/2 The students are quite comfortable reading and retrieving information on their activity sheets. They worked in pairs/groups to complete their work. Super day!
JK/SK The students are learning the names of winter clothing. So you may hear them sing about them too! They also worked on a coloring activity.
Another great day with everyone!
Grade 3/4 The unit this month is all about companion animals. After writing the names of a few favorite pets, the students designed their own imaginary animal and came up with some fantastic names.
Do you know what a Grentor is? It is a mix of 'grenouille et tortue'.
Grade 7 The students took notes of what their up and coming mock mid-term will be. This will ease them up into what next year's exams will be. It is just a practice run!
They also started the unit on Le musée de cire (Wax Museum). This is a great unit for review and a start for the passé composé.
Grade 8 are in review mode. Today they were brushing up on irregular verbs au futur simple. They really know how to work together: Collaboration is high on the agenda!!!
Grade 5/6 They read the last story on the unit T-shirts. Their reading is developing well and their comprehension segment was done expediently. Bravo, everyone!
Grade 1/2 The students are quite comfortable reading and retrieving information on their activity sheets. They worked in pairs/groups to complete their work. Super day!
JK/SK The students are learning the names of winter clothing. So you may hear them sing about them too! They also worked on a coloring activity.
Monday, 4 January 2016
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Grade 3/4 did not have French today due to our first assembly of 2016
Grade 7 The students finished reading their novel 'Pauvre Anne'.
Homework is to write a sentence from each chapter and use them as a summery. Then give your opinion on the novel. What you liked/disliked about it.
Grade 8 The students went over the mid-term exam sections. So they now know what to expect and what to review. They are working on Le Futur Simple and the activity sheets are to be completed for homework.
Grade 5/6 The students received their t-shirts (with transfers ironed on). Look at the picture! They really liked it. They also worked on sentences reflecting some of their new year's resolution.
Grade 1/2 The students worked on 2D shapes such as cercles, carrés, rectangles and triangles. The activity sheet was fun and they mixed numbers and shapes.
JK/SK The students were in great spirit and we started the unit on winter. This includes: winter clothing and outdoor activities.
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