Monday, 21 September 2015


Grade 3/4 students worked on classroom objects, but all in the plural form. They also learned to say C'est un/une and ce sont des...This is not an easy concept to apply. Then, they worked on how to ask questions by using: est-ce que je peux aller à/au... Homework is to finish the activity sheet.

Grade 7/8 received a combined lesson on pronominal verbs. Although this  is part of the Reach Ahead programme for the grade 8 students, the students realized that they already encountered this concept while reading a variety of text.
Grade 7 reviewed the interrogative words and their homework is to compose 5 questions in reference to a short paragraph. If it was not completed in class, please do it for homework.

Grade 8 worked on 10 parts of a telephonne conversation and had to re-organize the sequence. This group of students knows how to collaborate and work productively.
Homework: finish the activity sheet on faire du/de la and jouer à la/au...

Grade 5/6 are well on their way to conquer l'impératif. They know their action verbs. By the end of the week, they should start on la tâche finale: the recipe.
Homework: please complete the activity sheet p3/4.

Grade 1/2 were introduced to the characters from the textbook. After, a game of who's who, they had fun locating the cut outs all over the classroom and learning
to say where things are.

JK/SK We started talking about Fall and the leaves coming down. We started to locate objects around the classroom. We also started to talk about feelings such as je suis content etc...