Grade 3/4 We talked nutrition once more and this will wrap up this short unit for the students. They really applied themselves writing: Je mange, Tu manges and il/elle mange. This is the begining of learning the verbs ending in -er.
Grade 7/8 both grades worked on their projects. Please remember that grade 7 work will be due Monday, October 5 and, grade 8 presentations are due on Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Grade 5/6 We had 3 presentations left to hear about then I gave them one of my favorite recipe for them to translate. The students finished the unit with a game of round the world on the vocabulary.
Grade 1/2 continued with their game of finding objects scattered around the classroom. They also sang the prepositions tune and we added 2 locations: en- haut and en-bas. There was a contest amongst the students for who had the whole song without mistake. Lots of laughter!
JK/SK this afternoon, we talked about des pommes rouges, jaunes et vertes. The students had a coloring activity and when finished, went back to the carpet to do some counting. Leon was very brave and counted 0-10 by himself. Bravo!