Monday, 9 February 2015


Cette semaine est remplie d'actions. On fête le centième jour de classe, la St-Valentin et le congé de la  famille.

Grade 7/8 will have French on Monday and Tuesday. The students are really starting to get the hang of the partitif in the negative form as well as practicing the vocabulary used for art.

Grade 5/6 are now starting the re ending verbs and today they were investigating the prefixes used on so many verbs.

Grade 3/4 have begun a new unit called Pattes et Chaussures. They are discovering that humans have been trying to emulate animals' gaits and actions. Look for them telling you to 'grimpe, creuse, nage, vole, cherche, marche, cours...' They will prepare a special shoe advertisement.

Grade 1/2 worked on their winter activities and matching sentences to their pictures.  The students also listed topics of personal interest for studies later this month. Also, Tuesday, they will work from an Ontario map and discover what is in a 100km radius of the school.
This will be a little geography in French.

JK/SK children are starting to use the vocabulary for Valentine's day. It is all about love! Tomorrow, the 100th day. Do you want to see what they will look like in one hundred years?