This week, this week is dedicated on polishing end of units projects and venturing into new subjects.
Grade 5/6 are working on irregular verbs and the read & comprehension story. They will be starting ir ending verbs by next week.
Grade 3/4 have started the unit Les Héros. Everyday folks who are doing extraordinary actions is what they will be searching for. The vocabulary related to this theme is tightly knitted to the IB programme. The students are quite excited...
Grade 7/8 will end this week with researching the path of professional careers and examine the personnal qualities required to step up into these jobs.
Grade 1/2 students are continuing adding and substracting...running a store, selling and buying using French numbers. It is a great way to review the material presented thus far.
JK/SK are happily singing about winter clothing as well as the various activities they love.
Included fun winter snow ball throwing ( not here at school, of course!), fort making, snowman construction, skating and skiing.