Grade 5/6 put the finishing touch to their part-time job ad. Tomorrow, they will develop a dialogue pertinent to their candidacy for one the 3 ads.
Grade 3/4 are applying their knowledge of pronouns and for the rest of the week, they will make sentences with the verbs avoir & être.
Grade 7/8 turned in their assignments (homework). The work was almost completed during class. Congratulations go to Isabella on scoring 20/20.
Grade 1/2 are continuing their work on numbers 0-31. Some students worked on doing additions with mystery numbers...en français, while Daniel, Lauren, Maddy and Macy matched number cards with the written word cards. It was great to see how they worked in co-operation.
JK/SK have been quick to pick up that the teacher was still saying 2014 instead of 2015! They also had fun showing a thumbs up when recognizing vocabulary they knew during story time.
Well that is it for the moment. Make sure to stay warm this evening and tomorrow.