Wednesday, 4 March 2020


Grade 9 French received their rubric for the summative. This task will be due after the March Break, and there will time to work on it during class.
Today, they served as a very knowledgeable panel of judges for the grade 8 French presentation.

Grade 8 French- presentations were done this morning. BRAVO

Grade 5/6 students presented their advertisement (brochure or webpage) of their chosen Winter destinations. They had to include an eco-friendly element. A few students did not print their work as of yet. A visual element, especially advertisement is important. Please have this done for Friday to improve your mark.

JK/SK It is almost spring, and wildlife is beginning to emerge. Students had fun miming animals for their classmates to guess.

Grade 1/2 students have almost completed the family unit.

Grade 3/4 all presentations are done (but one). BRAVO