Tuesday, 4 February 2020


Grade 9 French had a short period today due to our IB Assembly. Please have your letter ready for editing Friday. That means you must have a rough copy to hand in ...not from your notebook.

Grade 8 French students had a lesson on Le Partitif and the negative.  Homework, complete the activity sheet you began in class.

Grade 5/6 presentations. TOO MANY STUDENTS DID NOT HAVE THEIR WORK READY TO HAND IN! Please respect due dates, since you had several class periods to work on this at school.

JK/SK students had a visitor...the resident groundhog!

Grade 1/2 The groundhog and the universe. After listening to a tall tale of Gunther the groundhog, students had to identify vocabulary and illustrate.

Grade 3/4 Students are having fun challenging each other with sentences containing the verbs: ĂȘtre and voler.