Grade 9 French and Grade 8 French worked on l'imparfait. This is usually taught in higher grades. However, seeing that students consistently use it in their summative written work (thanks to a variety of translator engines), it was only appropriate to understand when and how to use this verb tense. Students quickly got the hang of it, and completed the activity sheet.
HOMEWORK: gr. 9 complete part b.
gr. 8 complete part b if you wish to have extra practice.
Grade 5/6 students worked with vocabulary related to body parts and elements in the environment that affect them. For example: la poussière dans les yeux.
JK/SK songs from the holiday selection: MON PETIT SOLDAT.
Grade 1/2 concert practice- please continue singing the songs at home. Most students can read the lines, and everyone know the songs.
Grade 3 students began unit 3 Les Fourmis. Today, they worked on adjectives.