Grade 9 French students only had half of their alloted time due to a longer assembly. They worked on their project.
Grade 8 French students worked with the 'pronom' On. This will be the focus for the rest of the week.
Grade 4-5 students are applying different verbs for a variety of careers, and match attributes necessary to accomplish the work.
Grade 6 Today, the group began to work with a new verb: 'devoir', in both forms, affirmative and negative.
Grade 1 Review of parts of the face, a little bit of counting, and who has their holiday tree up. Where does it come from.
JK/SK The holiday vocabulary has begun to filter in the classroom. Students shared what they had in their tree: un ange, une étoile, des boules et des lumières. They listened to a story about a letter going to: Père Noël, le Pole
Nord, les cadeaux.
Grade 2-3 students read and worked on simple questions about the text.