Welcome back for the third and last term.
Grade 1/2 brainstormed vocabulary for Easter, and the class Easter Hunt on Wednesday. They have recorded their words, and learned how to follow directions. Thursday, they will create a hunt, complete with locations and instructions.
Grade 7/8 both groups worked on passé composé with the verb 'être'. Students who did not complete today's activity should consider this their homework.
That is to say: minimum 5 complete sentences.
A REMINDER: Grade 9 French: your summative is due on Wednesday!
3 journal entries (about 5 sentences each). Don't forget to put dates too.
Grade 5/6 Students worked on 2 basic verbs: avoir and être, as well as prepositions.
Grade 3/4 Students have begun a new unit about fire prevention and evacuation plans. They took turns to read aloud, and brainstorm the new vocabulary.
JK/SK This week's focus is about an Easter Hunt. How to tell where things are, and how to get there.