Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Grade 1/2 Students worked in pairs or small groups to re-create a story board, and a few sentences based on 'L'arbre magique de Lina'.

French Gr. 8 The lesson was about le partitif and the negative. They applied the   vocabulary from the unit. This is a concept that needed reviewing.
Grade 9 French- Letters were read aloud for peer assessment. This unit is now complete.

Grade 5/6 The class used the French period to complete the menu component (this is homework to decorate and prepare your final copy for Thursday).

Grade 3/4 After finishing reading the text on flying, and extracting verbs and expressions, students collaborated to create their own story using the textbook as a model.

JK/SK The class watched a video on animal characters having their own 'olympics', and importance on being happy about everyone's success.