Grade 1/2 We have brave students in this class. Grade 2s were volunteering to read from the textbook. They are learning about 'quadrupèdes'. The class is working on making the difference between feminine and masculine adjectives, and matching them to animals.
Grade 8 French students worked in small groups on a prepared mock exam.
Grade 9 French -The lesson today was about 'futur simple' for regular and irregular verbs, and they also went over a short text they will have on their mid terms.
Grade 5/6 students are doing research (trying and experimenting on finding French websites). Their summative for this unit is about careers. They are researching and will be reporting on the education needed to achieve their dream.
Grade 3/4 Students are coming along nicely reading from the textbook. Today, they were able to locate different verbs and matching them to specific adjectives.
JK/SK The class continues to work on Winter clothing, and today they had a coloring activity and at story time, they learned about 'bonhomme de neige'.