Friday, 15 December 2017


Grade 1/2 The class is in a festive mood. They collaborated doing  their word search and searching for Bonhomme de neige with the most objects. FUN!!!

Grade 7 & 8 Students had a variety of seasonal activities to complete, and 3 students worked on constrructing a Kahoot game (Passé Composé) for next week.
Everyone did a one on one review of their summative (the concert play) as a self-evaluation.

Grade 5/6 The students sang parts of 'Les douze jours de Noël'...the boys chorus was really good😊, and the whole class began a cross word puzzle with the words Casse-Noisette.

Grade 3/4 A lot of singing old but still good songs. When students tell you they are not too old for them....just go along with it. They also wrote 'une lettre au Père Noël' asking for Patience, markers for the class, joy for the family...

JK/SK They are still working with Holiday vocabulary and songs.