Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Grade 1/2 After routine work, students learned how how to say parts of the head and face. Un cou, deux joues, une bouche, deux oreilles, un nez, deux yeux, un front et des cheveux.

Grade 3/4 The class worked very hard to answer the questions related to the text started last Friday. Following this activity, the class shared recipes and samples of delicious desserts. The rest of the class will present on Thursday.

Grade 5/6 The class read both aloud and listened to the teacher a story about using internet to translate their work. They also took up some of the vocabulary, and this should help with the homework, part A. Thursday, we will take up as a class the rest of the questions.

Grade 8 French- Students watched the website presentations, then they partnered up with a gr.9 French student to edit their 'casse-croƻte' presentation. Please use the check list (p.15) to make sure you have all the required elements.

Grade 9 French- Good website presentations. Students also peer-edited their classmates projects.

JK/SK Students covered the routine work very quickly. They also worked with big dice and paired up to count in French. I hope Mrs O. posts some of the pictures she took. Everyone got a sticker as a reward for good work.