Grade 1/2 Students were happy to get started on a new year and they were happy to share what the holidays meant to them. So, off to the chalk and tablets and drawings. After they were done, everyone took a turn to explain their favorite activities. Sentence starters were: 'Durant les vacances, j'ai suis allé (e)...
They also took their family along with the experience.
Grade 7- Today was the beginning of a brand new unit: Les musées de cire. By the way, it is interesting that we are visiting the R.O.M. next week. Students researched different wax museums around the world. This is the first step for talking about wax characters and celebrities.
Grade 8- A big lesson today! Le futur simple. Actually, once you understand the "radical" of a verb...students found it interesting to look up the different definitions of the word radical.
Homework: study these irregular verbs and complete the activity started in the morning.
N.B. exam date is Jan. 23rd. More review and details on Friday.
Grade 5/6 Today was the start of the trans disciplinary unit on government. Students have begun researching official languages in Canada & Quebec. It was great to witness how clever they have become with search methods on the Internet.
Grade 3/4 Students worked with 2 verbs: Avoir and Être. They worked in teams, challenged each other and were organizing the work so that everyone was able to contribute!
JK/SK Well, it is the season for warm clothing. We are learning about chapeau, mitaines, bottes, foulard, cache-cou...Singing is what they do best.