Friday, 27 January 2017


Grade 1/2 Students went through a session of vrai ou faux (a favorite game). They are starting to be very good at telling what belongs to whom.

Grade 7 A story about the making of a wax model of a celebrity included vocabulary, expressions and verbs to use in the current project. Students will be submitting 12-15 sentences. On Tuesday, the work should be DONE in order to do the final edit.
Grade 8 Oliver and Alex are on a fact finding mission about GMO in fish, their application, the pros and cons. The task is to use the futur simple correctly. Tuesday will be for editing and preparing for presentation on Thursday, Feb 2.

Grade 5/6 Students went over the province of Quebec facts that they accumulated over the last 2 weeks. They also researched facts about the Quebec flag and the Canadian flag, their symbolism etc. They used the last portion of the class to draw their vision of what our flag should look like in 100 years from now. For next week's class: Quel est le protocol d'utilisation d'un drapeau.

Grade 3/4 Today was about dictionary skills. Students learned to use the bilingual dictionary to research adjectives for the heroes of our community.

JK/SK It was all about planets! Everyone was part of the galaxy and had a role to play in our univers!

Wednesday, 25 January 2017


Grade 1/2 Students are learning to say 'to whom does belong ...' à qui est la fille de monsieur et madame ...They partnered up and practice, and even read from the book.

Grade 7 Today, was a work period on the description of a wax character from a museum. For Friday, students should have their outline and a first draft of what they want to say.

Grade 8 This was a  study hall period to make corrections on the mid-term exam.

Grade 3/4 Students presented their skits on manners. Well done and fun!

JK/SK Today was the last class about the 5 senses, and we are almost done with the winter clothing. They also did some coloring on skating activities.

Monday, 23 January 2017


Grade 1/2 Students explored different activities they may do with their family. They recorded most of them and illustrated the ones that were more personal to their family.

Grade 7/8 Both classes took their mid-term exams this morning.

Grade 5/6 Students did independent research on Quebec government. Thank you Mr. Hunt for taking this class, and allowing me to proctor the exams.

Grade 3/4 Students are preparing 3 skits on manners: au restaurant, au téléphonne, à l'hôtel.

JK/SK They had a good time singing the Winter clothes song and challenging JK versus SK with points. They also are talking about skates, skis, making igloos, and snow balls.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Grade 1/2,4 This morning we merged classes due to the low numbers in this ice storm. So we had 2 themes, one for the family and one for manners and safety. Students brainstormed ideas about these subjects and share.

Grade 7- 4 Students worked on their review package for the exam. More on this Thursday.

Grade 3/5/6 In this class, students worked with useful expressions to illustrate and share. Also, we listened to the presentations of lovely posters for our advertisement unit.

Grade 3/4 Students worked on manners and how to ask questions in French.

JK/SK Students are working on Winter clothing.

Friday, 13 January 2017


Grade 1/2- After making family introductions in French, students were challenged to spell numbers 1-5. Well done!

JK/SK We had French early today because of skating. The topic is about our senses and because it was snack time, we talked about salty and sweet foods.

Grade 5/6 Please the previous post and picture.

Grade 3/4 Wow! While reviewing skating terminology, students found out about Mr. F J Zamboni (history) and thanks to Wyatt and William, we did some science about the ice making. Fabulous!

Grade 7/8 It is all about review!
What a great introduction to advertising. The grade 5/6 students each chose an area of Québec to promote and we had poster made. You will see these posters around the classroom and throughout the school. This is a good start of the transdisciplinary unit about government, more specifically the different laws regarding official languages in Canada and the province of Québec.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017



Grade 1/2 Students were happy to get started on a new year and they were happy to share what the holidays meant to them. So, off to the chalk and tablets and drawings. After they were done, everyone took a turn to explain their favorite activities. Sentence starters were: 'Durant les vacances, j'ai suis allé (e)...
They also took their family along with the experience.

Grade 7- Today was the beginning of a brand new unit: Les musées de cire. By the way, it is interesting that we are visiting the R.O.M. next week. Students researched different wax museums around the world. This is the first step for talking about wax characters and celebrities.

Grade 8- A big lesson today! Le futur simple. Actually, once you understand the "radical" of a verb...students found it interesting to look up the different definitions of the word radical.
Homework: study these irregular verbs and complete the activity started in the morning.
N.B. exam date is Jan. 23rd. More review and details on Friday.

Grade 5/6 Today was the start of the trans disciplinary unit on government. Students have begun researching official languages in Canada & Quebec. It was great to witness how clever they have become with search methods on the Internet.

Grade 3/4 Students worked with 2 verbs: Avoir and Être. They worked in teams, challenged each other and were organizing the work so that everyone was able to contribute!

JK/SK Well, it is the season for warm clothing. We are learning about chapeau, mitaines, bottes, foulard, cache-cou...Singing is what they do best.