Grade 1/2 Halloween was in the air (I know, a bit early, but we only 3 days). Students really know the characters and today they formed groups, and drew pictures on slates from vocabulary they recognized in random stories. House points were earned all around.
Grade 7- Students are in the final steps towards 'la tâche finale'. They will be working on creating a sound track for the promotion of a CD. All the information and requirements are on page 29 of their textbooks. Students also received an example of a promotion. Several great ideas were submitted. If you are working with a partner, please make sure you are in contact with each other, collaborate (which means that you listen, share, propose ideas and come to an agreement).
Grade 8-FSF1D Please make sure you complete and review the sheet on questions in the passé composé AND COMPLETE YOUR CROSS WORD. (please see the previous blog).
Grade 5/6 Students took up their homework, which was well done. They read a short text about a flee, yes a flee, extracted words similar to English, and answered comprehension questions. Following this work, they started to make sentences with pre-arranged groupings or sections of phrases. PLEASE COMPLETE THESE FOR TUESDAY.
Grade 3/4 We had a bit of Halloween fun with the 3 houses competing with a song about l'araignée et sa toile. Students also worked on their story about days and characters during Halloween.
JK/SK It was last call for the puppets! Everyone knows them by name, are able to recognize body parts, such as les yeux, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche... They also had a colouring activity.
A blog about all the fantastic work and experiences we have at TMA
Friday, 28 October 2016
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Halloween characters (marionnettes) used the vocabulary and expressions they know and made a skit. Students realized they need more practice to put this together, so Friday they will have another go at it.
Grade 7 Students worked with the negative form, and practiced putting sentences together. Students who still owe work, verbs (pouvoir & vouloir) and the Stomp story, please review, correct and hand it in on Friday.
Grade 8 FSF1D- Please complete the cross-word started in class. This will be more than useful when you start your summative task.
Grade 3/4 Students matched the days of the week to Halloween characters. Following this 3 groups were formed and they are coming up with an Halloween story. The storyboard should be completed on Friday.
JK/SK After the routine work, students had to ask for a puppet by name (Halloween), and they made a magic potion with the words they learned. The last 15 minutes were spent looking at booklets from the supermarket. November is fruit and vegetable from the market.
Grade 1/2 Halloween characters (marionnettes) used the vocabulary and expressions they know and made a skit. Students realized they need more practice to put this together, so Friday they will have another go at it.
Grade 7 Students worked with the negative form, and practiced putting sentences together. Students who still owe work, verbs (pouvoir & vouloir) and the Stomp story, please review, correct and hand it in on Friday.
Grade 8 FSF1D- Please complete the cross-word started in class. This will be more than useful when you start your summative task.
Grade 3/4 Students matched the days of the week to Halloween characters. Following this 3 groups were formed and they are coming up with an Halloween story. The storyboard should be completed on Friday.
JK/SK After the routine work, students had to ask for a puppet by name (Halloween), and they made a magic potion with the words they learned. The last 15 minutes were spent looking at booklets from the supermarket. November is fruit and vegetable from the market.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Grade 1/2 The puppets are OUT! Halloween is a fun time and puppets such as: citrouille, fantôme, sorcière, Frankie, chauve souris and araignée have joined in the party. Students are also reading from their books and are able to predict questions and answers about objects around the classroom.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework about avoir and expression with avoir. This was followed by a short pop quiz on pouvoir and vouloir, along with a short story about Stomp, the stage group.
Grade 8 brainstormed about their setting for a mystery evening. Please make sure you are able to use the terminology for investigative work. On Wednesday, we will review passé composé.
Grade 5/6 The day started with a brain teaser: 'Je suis responsable pour qu'une plante devienne une planète!'
Students worked with verbs that may/or not apply to human and/or animals. Their vocabulary bank is expanding! The final task is almost in sight. Also, they were very proficient at composing Haiku poems for ants.
JK/SK Students were very happy at finding that the puppet bag had returned, full of Halloween characters. They are learning the different actions for each of them, and are beginning to recognize their names during a story.
Grade 3/4 Students had a grand time creating fun animals using parts of words to form new animals, for exemple: sergerlapeauchat. Just ask, they know!
Following this fun warm-up, each students used their hand made puppets to answer 5 pre-determined and pre-rehearsed questions. Well Done!
Grade 1/2 The puppets are OUT! Halloween is a fun time and puppets such as: citrouille, fantôme, sorcière, Frankie, chauve souris and araignée have joined in the party. Students are also reading from their books and are able to predict questions and answers about objects around the classroom.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework about avoir and expression with avoir. This was followed by a short pop quiz on pouvoir and vouloir, along with a short story about Stomp, the stage group.
Grade 8 brainstormed about their setting for a mystery evening. Please make sure you are able to use the terminology for investigative work. On Wednesday, we will review passé composé.
Grade 5/6 The day started with a brain teaser: 'Je suis responsable pour qu'une plante devienne une planète!'
Students worked with verbs that may/or not apply to human and/or animals. Their vocabulary bank is expanding! The final task is almost in sight. Also, they were very proficient at composing Haiku poems for ants.
JK/SK Students were very happy at finding that the puppet bag had returned, full of Halloween characters. They are learning the different actions for each of them, and are beginning to recognize their names during a story.
Grade 3/4 Students had a grand time creating fun animals using parts of words to form new animals, for exemple: sergerlapeauchat. Just ask, they know!
Following this fun warm-up, each students used their hand made puppets to answer 5 pre-determined and pre-rehearsed questions. Well Done!
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Grade 1/2 After the routine date and weather, students practiced writing the days of the week and in the spirit of Halloween, they assigned a character for each day. You could find vocabulary such as: le squelette, le fantôme, la citrouille, le chat noir, la chauve-souris, l'araignée et la sorcière. Students also completed the activities that were left from Tuesday.
Grade 7 Students worked with conjonctions. The word itself seemed a bit of a mystery but after they took the word apart and quite a few analogies, they were able to complete the exercise. Students are encouraged to really analyze words in and out of context. They are often making good connections between French and English.
Grade 8 Students have completed the preliminary activities and acquired a good vocabulary bank. We are talking about 'rapport de police, témoins, suspect, coupable' etc.
Grade 5/6 Students are incorporating the verb ' ÊTRE' and the correct agreement of adjectives. Well done! It was not easy work.
Grade 3/4 Great class today! Students engaged in short pre-rehearsed dialogue and were able to read aloud a short text and answer questions. A lot was accomplished! Bravo!
JK/SK We are getting ready for Halloween week! Students are beginning to use Halloween vocabulary and we used it to make a magic potion!
Grade 1/2 After the routine date and weather, students practiced writing the days of the week and in the spirit of Halloween, they assigned a character for each day. You could find vocabulary such as: le squelette, le fantôme, la citrouille, le chat noir, la chauve-souris, l'araignée et la sorcière. Students also completed the activities that were left from Tuesday.
Grade 7 Students worked with conjonctions. The word itself seemed a bit of a mystery but after they took the word apart and quite a few analogies, they were able to complete the exercise. Students are encouraged to really analyze words in and out of context. They are often making good connections between French and English.
Grade 8 Students have completed the preliminary activities and acquired a good vocabulary bank. We are talking about 'rapport de police, témoins, suspect, coupable' etc.
Grade 5/6 Students are incorporating the verb ' ÊTRE' and the correct agreement of adjectives. Well done! It was not easy work.
Grade 3/4 Great class today! Students engaged in short pre-rehearsed dialogue and were able to read aloud a short text and answer questions. A lot was accomplished! Bravo!
JK/SK We are getting ready for Halloween week! Students are beginning to use Halloween vocabulary and we used it to make a magic potion!
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students were really good at creating a short skit about greeting and then they located the correct phrases and copied them. They were quick to catch on the vocabulary and apply it to the correct pictures.
Grade 7 Students worked on verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir. They learned that the following verbs had to be at l'infinitif. They also read about sounds in nature, at home, in the streets...This will be useful terminology for the promotion of their CD.
Grade 8 They began with reading a selection on a group of cyber-members talking about their frustration with a mini-series. Students are retrieving vocabulary for this unit.
Grade 5/6 Students worked with the unit verbs ending in ER. They now know all their endings and are encouraged to complete their sentences as homework. They are using vocabulary such as: chercher, aider, transporter, ranger, etc.
Grade 3/4 Today, students completed the last 2 questions for the puppet presentations next week. They also matched vocabulary to form rhymes. There was a bit of time for students to start memorizing the questions and answers.
Great work all around!
JK/SK Students were very excited today and were taking turns telling the weather and repeating 'by themselves' everything they could think. They also had fun finding animals living in and around the pond. Dans un étang, il y a une grenouille, des canards, des poissons, des tortues, and so on. QU'EST-CE QUI SAUTE? un cheval, un chevreuil, un chat et un chien, un lapin...
They finished the day with colouring a big ball with designated colours. For the most part, they can demonstrate and pick colours on request.
Grade 1/2 Students were really good at creating a short skit about greeting and then they located the correct phrases and copied them. They were quick to catch on the vocabulary and apply it to the correct pictures.
Grade 7 Students worked on verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir. They learned that the following verbs had to be at l'infinitif. They also read about sounds in nature, at home, in the streets...This will be useful terminology for the promotion of their CD.
Grade 8 They began with reading a selection on a group of cyber-members talking about their frustration with a mini-series. Students are retrieving vocabulary for this unit.
Grade 5/6 Students worked with the unit verbs ending in ER. They now know all their endings and are encouraged to complete their sentences as homework. They are using vocabulary such as: chercher, aider, transporter, ranger, etc.
Grade 3/4 Today, students completed the last 2 questions for the puppet presentations next week. They also matched vocabulary to form rhymes. There was a bit of time for students to start memorizing the questions and answers.
Great work all around!
JK/SK Students were very excited today and were taking turns telling the weather and repeating 'by themselves' everything they could think. They also had fun finding animals living in and around the pond. Dans un étang, il y a une grenouille, des canards, des poissons, des tortues, and so on. QU'EST-CE QUI SAUTE? un cheval, un chevreuil, un chat et un chien, un lapin...
They finished the day with colouring a big ball with designated colours. For the most part, they can demonstrate and pick colours on request.
Friday, 14 October 2016
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It was a BLUE kind of day at TMA!!! |

Grade 7 New Unit! All about noise!!! Yes, the students really like this one. They also will be perfecting the following verbs: vouloir, pouvoir...and devoir. Get ready to make some noise (sorry, I meant sounds). They will be promoting their CD. They also watched a video clip about the group STOMP.
Grade 8 They are into a new unit: Cris et Frissons. Watch out for those detectives, mystery event etc...
They completed the first activity and retrieved terminology useful for their sommative task.
Grade 1/2 French time was changed today, so we had to include snack and recess. Students enjoyed a Robert Munsch book: Ma dent ne veut pas tomber.
Grade 5/6 Students took turn reading from the unit Les Fourmis and added verbs to their vocabulary bank. In pairs, they acted out the verbs from the list.
Grade 3/4 Students had a great time making their paper puppets. Next week, they will use them to do presentations.
JK/SK Students are well aware of nature changes around them. They were acting out what a porc- et -pic would do: creuse, marche, roule comme une balle, mange. They watch a video clip of a porcupine eating a pumpkin. They finished the lesson with counting dots on dice (0 to 14).
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students are continuing on their journey of transitioning from oral to writing (and reading) in French. There is a lot of modelling on the board, and the more you give them, the more they want to know.
Grade 7/8 The lesson today is about 3 major verbs: VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR. It is a valuable refresher for grade 8, and a large chunk of knowledge to acquire for the grade 7. We will see this re-appear on the 'menu' from time to time. IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!
Grade 5/6 Students started a new unit today on LES FOURMIS. Ants will be crawling all over...just kidding! The unit is about finding links between human and animals that live in a society. We use adjectives and continue on our verb acquisition.
Grade 3/4 Students are working on forming adjectives and using the verb être to state how things are. Today, they prepared 5 questions and answers that will be useful when we are making the animal puppets.
JK/SK Everyone was keen to talk about calendar (thank you Elizabeth for an excellent job today), and colours, thanks to Arya for sharing your book.
Grade 1/2 Students are continuing on their journey of transitioning from oral to writing (and reading) in French. There is a lot of modelling on the board, and the more you give them, the more they want to know.
Grade 7/8 The lesson today is about 3 major verbs: VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR. It is a valuable refresher for grade 8, and a large chunk of knowledge to acquire for the grade 7. We will see this re-appear on the 'menu' from time to time. IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!
Grade 5/6 Students started a new unit today on LES FOURMIS. Ants will be crawling all over...just kidding! The unit is about finding links between human and animals that live in a society. We use adjectives and continue on our verb acquisition.
Grade 3/4 Students are working on forming adjectives and using the verb être to state how things are. Today, they prepared 5 questions and answers that will be useful when we are making the animal puppets.
JK/SK Everyone was keen to talk about calendar (thank you Elizabeth for an excellent job today), and colours, thanks to Arya for sharing your book.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students wrote about: l'Action de Grâces. After brainstorming what they are thankful for, they made a list such as: Je dis merci pour ma famille, mon petit frère, mon école...This teacher is thankful for her students.
Grade 7/8 It was presentation day and everyone did a good job. The grade 8 acted as panel and offered some pertinent comments and helpful hints for future projects.
Grade 5/6 Students worked in 2 groups on a connect 4 verb game. This is a great way to learn to conjugate a few er ending verbs an make familiar sentences.
Grade 3/4 Today included singing, riddles about animals and matching syllables to make words. Well done!
JK/SK Routine, counting, weather and 'je dis merci pour...' I am thankful for...and they sang about a turkey and la tête, le bec, les ailes, la queue et les pattes. HAPPY THANKSGIVINNG!!!
Grade 1/2 Students wrote about: l'Action de Grâces. After brainstorming what they are thankful for, they made a list such as: Je dis merci pour ma famille, mon petit frère, mon école...This teacher is thankful for her students.
Grade 7/8 It was presentation day and everyone did a good job. The grade 8 acted as panel and offered some pertinent comments and helpful hints for future projects.
Grade 5/6 Students worked in 2 groups on a connect 4 verb game. This is a great way to learn to conjugate a few er ending verbs an make familiar sentences.
Grade 3/4 Today included singing, riddles about animals and matching syllables to make words. Well done!
JK/SK Routine, counting, weather and 'je dis merci pour...' I am thankful for...and they sang about a turkey and la tête, le bec, les ailes, la queue et les pattes. HAPPY THANKSGIVINNG!!!
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Science was on everyone's mind this morning. During routine, the weather, somehow science was mentioned. Gas in the atmosphere!. Of course, students from grade 2 remembered the water cycle, so out goes the gas, solid and liquid!
Back to the programme, grade 1/2 are continuing to write, sound out/read and act out greetings straight from the textbook.
Grade 7 Each students took advantage of peer editing of their rough copy (with a grade 8), and with their teacher. We are very aware that MR. GOOGLE does not know what the requirements of the project are, so it is more valuable to use your textbook for references.
Grade 8 Everyone did a great job of presenting their web page. It was fantastic to see the quality of work both written and visual. Practicing your presentation aloud a few times also gives you more confidence.
Grade 5/6 Students presented their recipes to the class. Thank you Jada for actually baking the delicious muffins. The cooking steps were clearly defined, and everyone has improved with their pronunciation. Bravo!!!
Grade 3/4 Students have started Les animaux de compagnie unit. Word search, some drawing, reading and mystery solution. Wow, a great session and you can look forwards to making your animal puppets soon.
JK/SK In our French class, Fall is in full mode...leaves are falling, everything is colourful and they are learning to make faces: triste, content, fatigué, fâché...
We also started to sing Alouette, je t'y plumerai...with a twist. They are plucking a turkey! La tête, le bec, le cou, les ailes, la queue, les pieds...À bientôt!
Grade 1/2 Science was on everyone's mind this morning. During routine, the weather, somehow science was mentioned. Gas in the atmosphere!. Of course, students from grade 2 remembered the water cycle, so out goes the gas, solid and liquid!
Back to the programme, grade 1/2 are continuing to write, sound out/read and act out greetings straight from the textbook.
Grade 7 Each students took advantage of peer editing of their rough copy (with a grade 8), and with their teacher. We are very aware that MR. GOOGLE does not know what the requirements of the project are, so it is more valuable to use your textbook for references.
Grade 8 Everyone did a great job of presenting their web page. It was fantastic to see the quality of work both written and visual. Practicing your presentation aloud a few times also gives you more confidence.
Grade 5/6 Students presented their recipes to the class. Thank you Jada for actually baking the delicious muffins. The cooking steps were clearly defined, and everyone has improved with their pronunciation. Bravo!!!
Grade 3/4 Students have started Les animaux de compagnie unit. Word search, some drawing, reading and mystery solution. Wow, a great session and you can look forwards to making your animal puppets soon.
JK/SK In our French class, Fall is in full mode...leaves are falling, everything is colourful and they are learning to make faces: triste, content, fatigué, fâché...
We also started to sing Alouette, je t'y plumerai...with a twist. They are plucking a turkey! La tête, le bec, le cou, les ailes, la queue, les pieds...À bientôt!
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