Monday, 11 May 2015


Grade 5/6 received their copy of the French version for their introduction/conclusion of the up and coming PYP exhibition. Benjamin opted to memorize his in French, a real risk-taker! Other students may follow suit, but if they want to read it, it will be alright as well. They will spend this week practicing and becoming more at ease with their pronunciation.

Grade 3/4 are building their vocabulary. This is the resulting work from their nature walk of last week. They are using their 5 senses: la vue, l'odorat, le goût, l'ouïe et le toucher. The verbs used are: je vois, je sens, je goûte, j'écoute et j'entends, je touche. The students are very eager to share their experiences.

Grade 7/8 took a pre-test this morning on passé composé with être. They understand what they have to review for tomorrow's test: make sure you can conjugate être and avoir...remember grade 3/4, memorize the DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list of verbs requiring être for auxiliary.  The students have been working on the passé composé since early this year.

Grade 1/2 students were divided in 3 groups and were playing a game of actions to add to the following: je m'appelle.....J'ai...ans et je chante,  or je danse, or je trouve. Bravo to the team with the most cards (there  was a tie for second place).    Madison, Macy, Emma, Matthew and Madyson. House points were awarded.

PK/JK/SK were introduced to les animaux de la jungle et de la savanne. We had a song and learned adjectives such as grand, mince, gros etc...