Monday, 27 April 2015


Bonjour à tous!

It is already the last week of April and the students are hard at work with different projects and new units. The main theme is Nature and Observation.

Grade 5/6 students started the unit Les poissons tropicaux. They are excited about working with under-water life and the prospect of making their own aquarium. The learning components are prepositions and the verb 'voir' (to see).
On another note, the PYP exhibition will require a few hours a week from now till May 20.

Grade 3/4 are once again turning into investigators. They actually are able to name the learner profiles in French and telling which one is the most telling for them. Everyone took turn reading from the unit text book and WOOOOW! Their reading fluency and pronunciation is off the chart! 
There will be a vast vocabulary bank which the students will build themselves and use during their 3D presentations. They will be using their 6 senses quite a bit for this unit.

Grade 1/2 created their vocabulary for all things Spring. Then, they were divided into 3 teams to come up with a short skit to include their favourite Spring ideas.
They are encouraged to use starters such as: j'aime..., je vois..., je fais.

Grade 7/8 are re-visiting the pronoun EN. It is a difficult and tricky concept that needs a lot of practice. Next, the students will tackle their own legend using passé composé with être.

PK/JK/SK are working on farm animals and new life. They will be completing a booklet with the names and pictures of farm dwellers. The vocabulary used includes: cochon, vache, cheval, poule, canard, mouton, chêvre, coq...grange, étable, étang, écurie, poulailler, porcherie.